Center for NYC Neighborhoods Launches Tracker To Alert Homeowners To Tax Lien Sale

For Immediate Release: xxxxx Contact: Jovana Rizzo, 646-200-5329,; Cristian Salazar, 646-796-0898, Center for NYC Neighborhoods Launches Tracker To Alert Homeowners To Tax Lien Sale Interactive map at allows communities and stakeholders to assess the impact on their neighborhoods, help neighbors get off the sale list NEW YORK, NY – The Center for […]

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What we’re reading about homeowners and housing

Here’s a look at the best stories on homeownership and housing from the past week that got our attention. Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments section. On Monday, reporter Kirk Semple of The New York Times took a look at overcrowding in the city and found that it had gotten exponentially […]

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New federal rules neglect at risk homeowners, target the one percent

The Federal government is seeking to crack down on money laundering by unmasking individuals behind large all-cash purchases of Manhattan real estate by shell companies. For the next six months, through a new pilot program, the U.S. Treasury Department will require companies to disclose the names of individuals behind all-cash purchases of more than $3 million […]

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How underused property in NYC can be turned into affordable housing

With the city squeezed for space for affordable housing, policymakers are looking at every possible available square inch of land to construct homes, from church parking lots to NYCHA property. In a report released last week, Comptroller Scott Stringer advocates for the creation of a land bank to exploit vacant land remaining in New York […]

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“Coalition for Affordable Homes Releases Policy Platform” and other headlines from 2015

DSNews: Forces Join to Protect Borrowers from Foreclosure Relief Scams Press Release: AG Schneiderman Announces Innovative Partnership with Leading Statewide Media Associations to Protect New Yorkers from Foreclosure Rescue Scams Crain’s New York: Advocates’ $4 Billion Plan Urges Cuomo to Fund More Supportive and Senior Housing Rooflines: Some Forms of Displacement Are Beyond Criminal The Brooklyn Reader: Don’t […]

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A New Housing Plan

Affordable housing is under threat across New York State with increasing rent costs, a record homeless population, a growing senior population, and a continued foreclosure crisis. Fortunately, there are solutions and we’re excited to be a part of a coalition of 10 affordable housing groups that released a five year, $4 billion capital recommended plan […]

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Media Initiative to Protect Homeowners

We’ve all heard advertisements geared towards homeowners at risk of foreclosure on television and radio. Unfortunately, these ads, which offer to save homes from foreclosure, are often placed by scammers, who make false promises and mislead homeowners out of their money, or worse, their home. Fortunately, thanks to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, these […]

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The NY Times Takes on Deed Theft

This week, as part of our scam awareness outreach campaign, we are mailing over 250,000 flyers and palm cards to elected officials and neighborhood organizations across the state.   Over the weekend, The New York Times published a major front-page lead story on deed theft scams that highlights the staggering losses at the hands of […]

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