The Center Applauds “Housing New York” Plan

Today, Mayor Bill de Blasio released “Housing New York,” a 10-year, 5-borough plan to create or preserve 200,000 units of affordable housing in New York City. “The plan announced today is an important milestone on the road to a more just and equitable city where New Yorkers in every neighborhood will benefit from the opportunities […]

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Don’t be on the tax lien sale list

On May 16th, thousands of New York City homeowners whose budgets are already stretched thin could face an additional financial burden. Homeowners who are behind on their property taxes or water/sewer payments, or those who’ve had emergency repairs made by the City, may see those debts sold to a third-party collection agency. Once a tax […]

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Repair and Rebuild: Resources for Disaster Recovery Professionals

Last Thursday, our Executive Director Christie Peale participated in a panel at the Repair and Rebuild in New York City Sandy Recovery Symposium II, which helped disaster recovery professionals across many organizations learn about the entire recovery landscape. Many homeowners across the City are still displaced or living in homes without heat or basic utilities. […]

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GSE Reform and Homeownership

Last week I had the opportunity to participate in “Locked Out: What Losing Fannie, Freddie, and the Affordable Housing Goals Will Mean for the American Dream.” Responding to renewed interest in reforming America’s federal housing finance system, the forum, hosted by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, delivered a spirited and informative conversation about the future […]

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The Center Responds: “Wall Street’s New Housing Bonanza”

Take a look at the Center’s comments below on a recent New York Times DealBook article. The Center will continue to work with our partners and elected officials to protect New York City homeowners and our neighborhoods.   ****   New York, NY – A recent article in the New York Times’s DealBook highlights a […]

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Let’s Put an End to Loan Scams

New York City homeowners continue to recover from the foreclosure crisis, but scammers remain a persistent and worrisome roadblock. Scammers (like the one profiled in this New York Times article) make promises to homeowners they can’t possibly keep, like guaranteeing a refinance, in order to trick people into paying for services up-front. That’s against the […]

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New Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Mortgage Servicing Rules Are Now In Effect

On January 10, 2014, the long-awaited Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) mortgage servicing rules went into effect. Advocates and homeowners welcome these necessary protections and are hopeful the new rules will ease confusion for homeowners and advocates pursuing loss mitigation options. The new rules will mean fewer homeowners needlessly placed into foreclosure and greater assistance […]

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Network Partner Highlight: A MAP success from NHS of East Flatbush

Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) of East Flatbush recently highlighted the Center and our MAP program in their Winter 2013 newsletter. NHS client and homeowner, Shonvelle Douglas, provides a moving testimony detailing her foreclosure experience and how MAP funds helped her and her family in their time of need. You can check out Shonvelle’s story and the […]

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