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Red Light Green Light: Policy Power Hour

Venture Suite

4:15PM - 5:15PM

2024 has presented us already with a ton of conversations, proposals, and legislation focused on building and preserving affordable housing and homeownership. Attention is rightly focused on priority issues around affordable homeownership – finally! – which means the ideas are flowing, and sometimes funding too. As New Yorkers, we of course have a million opinions on it all. For this Policy Power Hour, we’ll ask our select experts to Red Light or Green Light current proposals and legislation aimed at expanding opportunities around affordable homeownership, and hear their hot takes on emerging ideas. Debate? Not quite. But we will dig in, dish, and end the day with some spice


Kevin Wolfe

Deputy Director of Advocacy & Public Affairs
The Center for NYC Neighborhoods

Kevin joined the Center in June of 2015, coordinating the outreach efforts of the Center's Network before managing government affairs. He has prior experience as the special assistant to the then Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and as housing specialist in the office of New York state Senator Jeff Klein. A self-described policy wonk, Kevin has lived in three of the five boroughs. Kevin holds a B.A. in history from Washington University in St. Louis


Barika Williams

Executive Director
Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development (ANHD)

Barika X Williams is the Executive Director of the Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development Inc. (ANHD), a leading nonprofit dedicated to housing and economic justice in New York. She is a leader and a national voice on how community development in marginalized neighborhoods can advance racial justice.

Previously, Barika served as Assistant Secretary for Housing in New York State, overseeing pivotal housing initiatives, including a $20 billion housing plan and tenant protections expansion.

At the Urban Institute in Washington, DC, and later at NYU’s Metropolitan Center for Urban Education, she pioneered novel projects and published on topics including affordable housing practices, foreclosure prevention, disaster recovery, and the links between health, education, and housing.

Barika is a member of the US Treasury Advisory Committee on Racial Equity; advisory committees for financial institutions like Capital One, and sits on the Board of Urban Design Forum.

Barika has been honored with various accolades, including the Robert W. Ponte Award in 2020.

In 2022, Barika was recognized as a top nonprofit executive by City & State New York magazine. In 2023, the magazine also named her one of the most influential figures in New York real estate, and in March 2024, she was featured on Politics NY and amNY Metro's "Power Players in Real Estate" list.


Kirk Goodrich

Monadnock Development

Kirk has more than 30-years experience in the fields of community development, affordable housing finance and real estate development. Much of his initial experience was gained during an almost 10-year tenure overseeing the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) syndication business for Enterprise Community Investment in the New York Region. During that period, 12,000 units were financed in the region with approximately $1 billion invested. He currently serves as President at Monadnock Development LLC. Over the last 14 years, Monadnock Development has acquired or developed 50 projects containing more than 10,000 units with total development costs in excess of $3.5 billion. Kirk serves as co-host and co-executive producer, with Rafael Cestero, of The Housing Problem Podcast. He also writes and speaks regularly on affordable housing policy and practice. Kirk is executive producing a feature-length documentary on the history and success of the Nehemiah Homeownership Program in Brooklyn, New York, which is set for a 2024 release.

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