At the Center, we’re committed to fighting back against foreclosure rescue scammers who target homeowners in foreclosure. Last year, we partnered with the New York State Office of the Attorney General to create AGScamHelp, an easy to use web-based app created to help New Yorkers identify foreclosure rescue scams and report them to law enforcement. We also wrote a report, Who Can You Trust?, that describes the tactics scammers use to take advantage of New Yorkers and spells out our recommendations for preventing scams.

Today, we continue to work to get the word out about scams. In particular, we’ve been focused on raising awareness among homeowners about scams and how to access the free, trustworthy home-help services in New York State available through the Homeowner Protection Program (HOPP).

What we’re doing

  • In partnership with the New York Attorney General’s office, we are mailing postcards to homeowners at risk of foreclosure across the state, every month, warning them to watch out for these scams. We encourage homeowners to call the HOPP hotline at 855-HOME-456 to access free help with their home and mortgage.
  • Elected officials and community groups are a frontline resource for homeowners in need. We are mailing copies of our report, Who Can You Trust?, to these “first referrers” to let them know about the continued, high prevalence of mortgage scams and the types of scams that are targeted at New York homeowners.
  • We are also sending outreach materials, including flyers and postcards, along with the reports, and encouraging groups to hand them out to homeowners at their offices or at events.
  • We continue to participate in outreach events focused on scams. We recently attended several events in East New York and have other events planned for the coming months.

How you can help
Spread the word about AGScamHelp! Email your friends and share on Twitter or Facebook.

If you are participating in an outreach event and would like postcards or flyers to pass out, please email and we will send you a packet.

If you are planning an upcoming event and would like someone from the Center to speak about scams, please email us at
