Congrats, you’re now a homeowner! Your journey is only just getting starting. Now it’s time to think about the future. Here are five tips.

  1. Save all paperwork from the closing. Store copies or the originals in a safe-deposit box or a waterproof container if possible.
  2. Make sure utilities are all paid up from the previous owner and transfer utilities to your name. You should be able to do this without any interruption of service.
  3. Follow any best practices from your insurance for documenting the condition of your home and possessions at move in. This may include making a video of your empty home or by taking photos.
  4. Change the locks and any key codes.
  5. Sign up for the city’s Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS) notification system here. It will alert you if any documents are filed for your property, and can help you catch any potential scams right away. You can learn more about homeowner scams at